Excellence in Vocational Learning

It's that time again and we are excited to be opening up for nominations for our Excellence in Work Placement Awards for 2024.

Students are to be nominated based on their achievements undertaking Work Placement - not the classroom. We know the value of learning on the job and students recognised through this process should have demonstrated growth, confidence and competency in the workplace setting.

Please complete the details below. Nominations will be reviewed and compared with Employer feedback and placement records. Finalists will be notified by 30th June 2024 with the awards presentation held on the evening of the 7th August 2024.

Recognising Student Success in Industry!

Please provide the following information about the student you wish to nominate for excellence in Work Placement. This should consider equally the factors of class based participation in learning, engagement in their Work Placement experience (should at least be ONE industry placement - not simulated placements) and their improvement post Work Placement.

Details of Person Nominating Student
