Student Testimonials
What better way to learn about our work than to hear from the students who took part in our programs? We invited a number of students to give testimonials on their experience at Youth Up Front and they kindly provided them.
We are incredibly proud of our students and have a proven track record of success, offering a pathway for students to overcome challenges and achieve success.
Meet Max
Describe why you were referred to Youth Up Front for Support?
Hello my name is Max and I was referred to Youth up Front because I had trouble getting on with fellow students.
How would you describe Youth Up Front in three words?
It was fun, experimental and helpful.
How has Youth Up Front improved your life?
Youth Up Front has helped me gain useful skills in problem solving, I have made friends and um had new experiences.
Meet Oli
Describe why you were referred to Youth Up Front for Support?
I got chosen to participate in the school program because I found it very challenging in school and found myself not focusing and my teacher suggested to do Youth Up Front and I found it a very helpful experience from that.
How would you describe Youth Up Front in three words?
Three words I would use to describe Youth Up Front would be - fun, cooperative and energetic.
How has Youth Up Front improved your life?
Youth Up Front has improved my lifestyle by helping me to experience different ways of school life and my normal life.

The programme helped me learn more about myself and see a new way of learning.
- Riverside Girls Student