Help us reach our goals!
Make a Donation
Use a credit card, create a direct debit, or a bank transfer.
Please make cheques payable to:
The Youth Up Front
PO Box 3064, Allambie Heights, NSW 2100
Donations In-Kind
Give products and services that will help us reach our goals.
Sponsor Activities
Support or sponsor a fundraising event or activity.
Thank you for visiting our supporters page
We are lucky to be able to count on local individuals and business representatives who support what we do. In fact, their support is the reason we can keep providing the services to the level we currently do.
Your support will ensure that we can continue to improve the lives of young people who deserve a bright future. Donate today and be the change in the life of a young person.
These days charities are expected to raise additional funds for discretionary projects and to be able to go the extra mile for our young people. Youth Up Front is no different: fund and awareness raising is part of our everyday work.
Help us care for our local young people
There are lots of different ways in which you can ensure that our young people in Northern Sydney have a brighter future. We sometimes organise fundraising events and run specific appeals to support individual programs. We also love receiving ‘in-kind support’ of goods and services in addition to financial support!
Many of our partner schools request support in planned workshops and sessions in which the community engage with young people to share experiences, knowledge and expertise and in some cases, work experience and then a job! Where we can, we subsidise these workshops through monies raised from our generous supporter base.
Your investment will have an impact!
Our Case for Investment explains what we do, why what we do is crucial to the future prosperity of our community, and why the support of our community is critical to our success. There are many, many reasons to invest in the education and preparation of young people for work and with your help we are providing better outcomes for youth and society. Check our Case for Investment out for yourself.
Different options of giving to suit you:
As much as young people all learn differently – we all like to give differently.
Your options include:
making regular monthly donations and, depending on your employer, get your donation matched by your employer as part of their Workplace Giving program.
giving through shopping from selected retailers where a percentage of your purchased items is donated back to us, for example while booking your next holiday on Shopnate.
participating in one of our fundraising events for example our Golf Day.
providing ‘in-kind support’ in the form of goods and services.
connecting with us to stay informed about our activities.
giving a cash donation directly to us – "cash is king" as they say!
So next time you want to donate to a charity, book a holiday or get your businesses charity donations working harder, please consider supporting our youth through Youth Up Front!
Other ways to support us:
Shopnate works with hundreds of big name Australian and international online retailers.
They have all agreed to donate a commission on every online sale to the charity of your choice. This commission is already included in the price of what you’re buying.
This means you can support your favourite charity, at no extra cost to you. It's free to join – so what are you waiting for??
Give Now
Give Now is designed to inspire and transform giving in Australia, providing a range of free resources and innovative giving tools.
A commission-free website listing thousands of good causes and creative ways to give, a personalised donations tracking service, and a free giving newsletter.
With GiveNow, you have the power to make a difference.
Workplace Giving
Workplace giving allows employees to make pre-tax donations through their payroll to specific charities.
“If 1 person in each of the 400 businesses we work with gave $5 per week, we would have over $100,000 per year to support the young people across Northern Sydney. That’s nearly 100 young people who would graduate with a Certificate I in skills towards employment” Samantha King – Executive Officer – The YUF
This is what financial contributions to the YUF can achieve:
Contribution | What Can Be Achieved |
$50 | Can support a young person with an updated resume and portfolio |
$100 | Can provide a young person with a “Ready-Set-Work” pack with boots and a fluoro shirt |
$150 | Can provide a young person with accredited WHS training to get them “JOB READY” |
$200 | Gives breakfast across a 30 week programme to young people who don’t get breakfast at home |
$500 | Provides a young person with a tablet and apps to get them better connected with study |
$1000 | Can provide mentoring training for a local business person – assisting to support a young person with employment and transition focused support |
$1500 | Places 10 students into work experience so they understand first-hand the world of work! |
$3500 | Can provide a planned “Work Inspiration” workshop for around 150 – 15 year old students to inspire them into their career pathways |
$5000 | Can provide coordinated industry tours for 60 students to various local businesses so they gain a stronger feeling for the world of work |
$10,000 | Delivers parenting sessions across the region to help parents better understand the options to help their kids |
$15,000 | Gets a class of young people a Certificate I level training certificate! |
$70,000 | Will get us a bus to assist in transporting our students around the region! |
$150,000 | Gets 40 students accredited training, work place preparation, work experience, case management and mentoring in the workplace for a year!!! |
Workplace Giving: Change a Young Person’s Life
Three reasons to get involved in workplace giving:
- Workplace giving gives employees the option of supporting a charity that is important to them through their work.
- It’s easy and once you have spoken to payroll at your work and provided them with a completed form, you can begin making a difference straightaway! Some employers even match dollar for dollar making your contribution go even further!
- Most people who make a donation will see a tax benefit in their pay.
Three reasons to get your employer to implement workplace giving:
- Workplace giving is a simple way for a business to engage their workers in meaningful corporate social responsibility without impacting productivity at work.
- Corporate Social Responsibility programs have been proven to boost staff morale.
Research from the Social Impact Hub shows that young Australians want to work for employers that offer workplace giving, and are attracted to the convenience and financial advantages of these programs.
Furthermore, research from the Charities Aid Foundation shows that those who donate through a company sponsored program are loyal employees who are incredibly proud of where they work – making workplace giving a fantastic tool for talent acquisition and retention. - It is a great way to bring your business culture to life.
Three ways The YUF can use YOUR workplace giving donations:
- Early intervention is always better.
Donations made through workplace giving help The YUF to expand its programs offerings to younger people with an approach of early intervention and education. This relieves stress and anxiety during senior years when a young person no longer feels connected on the education path. - Money raised through workplace giving helps to train new mentors.
Mentoring is a tricky game and a lot can ride on a conversation. Mentors need to be trained to respond in the most appropriate way when engaging with a young person and they also need to be suitably matched. This takes time and resourcing to set up a match that is going to work! - A little bit can go a long way.“If 1 person in each of the 400 businesses we work with gave $5 per week, we would have over $100,000 per year to support the young people across Northern Sydney. That’s nearly 100 young people who would graduate with a Certificate I in skills towards employment” Samantha King – Executive Officer – The YUF
How can you make a difference to a young person without leaving work?
If your employer runs a workplace giving program you can nominate The YUF as your charity of choice using this simple form.
If your employer doesn’t run workplace giving we’d be happy to help them implement it. It is super easy to set up in-house and costs nothing to maintain. Simply contact us and we will send you a start up pack.

You are braver than you believe,
stronger than you think,
smarter than you seem,
and loved more than you know.