If you're a new or existing host employer, it is important to have access to all the information to support your understanding of the program as well as be able to direct your team to helpful information.
As always, our friendly team is available to assist with any enquiries however, current information is collected here for your convenience.
One of the main considerations for Host Employers is insurance coverage. This also includes the terms of which a business is required to support a young person within their business.
All students who undertake Work Placement are fully insured for their participation based on the following key steps being followed;

While all education sectors have different processes and policies, they are required to provide coverage to the same standard. This also includes the requirement for all host employers to hold their own Public Liability insurance. Whilst this is not something used to cover students, it provides a benchmark for suitability of businesses to host students.
Government Schools - are covered by a Treasury Managed Fund with details included in the Employers Guide to Workplace Learning. Insurance and indemnity provisions apply to all approved workplace learning. Claims for injury, loss of property or damage above $300 may be considered. Detailed out-of-pocket expenses under $300 are managed by the school or EVET provider. The certificate of currency details can be found here.
Catholic Education Schools - Are covered by a policy issued to Catholic Schools NSW with references in their own version of the Employers Guide to Workplace Learning.
Some Catholic Schools however are considered "non-systemic" and are required to hold their own insurance. The Guidelines still apply but policy details vary. This includes;
- St Edmunds College
- Brigidine College
TAFE NSW - are covered in the same way as Government Schools. See above.
Independant Schools (AIS) - are essentially centrally coordinated but each participating school is required to hold their own independent insurance policy to the same level. They have their own version of the Employers Guide to Workplace Learning however, each school has their own individual insurance policy. The following schools are considered AIS schools;
- Covenant Christian School
- Ravenswood School for Girls
- St Augustines College - Sydney
- Monte Sant Angelo College
- Loreto - Kirribilli
- Masada College
- St Ignatius College
- St Augustines College - Sydney
- St Lukes Grammar
- The Pittwater House Schools
- Pymble Ladies College
- Ravenswood School for Girls
- SHORE - Sydney Church of England Grammar School
- Stella Maris College
- Wenona School
Some additional resources to assist employers to understand and navigate their role in the work placement process are also available here;
- Additional Information for Employers - this relates to specific tasks and activities which require special consideration
- Sample Tasks Summary – a list of the tasks and guidance about their level of difficulty.
- Prohibited Activities - outlining high risk activities that cannot be included for coverage as part of work placement.
- Host Employers Accident Quick Guide
If you are unsure of any of the information on this page, please get in touch with our team for confirmation